Honesty Day…'s been a while...but today i learned that it is National Honesty Day...according to the Today Show. so my first thought was...yikes!!! perhaps it would be a bad idea for ME to “celebrate”' this holiday. my second thought was...why not? i'm honest EVERY day!
so in honor of this 'holiday'...let's just be HONEST...
Honestly...why do lawyers think they are so important that they cannot pick up the phone rather than blast their mundane calls over speaker phone???
Honestly...why do some lawyers think it is okay to "groom" at work? specifically "clipping one's fingernails WHILE on speaker phone WITH a client"????? i mean if i can hear it down the hall or across the hall in a completely different office...surely the client is hearing it??? that is a pretty expensive manicure! i guess i should just be grateful that they are not giving themselves pedicures!
Honestly...why do some people marinate in their perfume and cologne??? i mean if it smells good or is a "fragrance" that is still sold in stores or even online...then by all means-splash it on....but if it is 1972 Old Spice or 1982 Avon...then please CEASE AND DESIST!
Honestly...why do people turn into vulchers when there is food around the office?? i mean do you really want to pick through the attorney breakfast leftovers after they have had their hands in...the hands which you KNOW they don't wash because you see them coming out of the bathroom but can still hear that the toilet has not finished flushing??
Honestly...Mr. Boss-person...please do not tell me that you are leaving early unless you are REALLY leaving early. you see it get my hopes up and then when you don't leave early...well the devastation is almost unbearable. i think from now on if you say you are leaving early and early gets here and you have in fact NOT left early...then I will leave early!
Honestly…my “smoke break” is over…so i must go for now! Happy Honesty Day!!!
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